Thursday, April 23, 2009

Colonization = Exploitation?!?

People used to get suffer by getting hungry of power and when it reaches the limit, catastrophic things happen such as confliction, war and colonization. Colonization is when a country brings people to other land and having to settle there and slowly overtaking them. By taking foreign land, one country is benefit from resources, land, power and people as slaves. But the country where is being colonized, is losing their culture, generations, land and their history. But the awful true is never to be undiscovered. When British had colonized the Australia, they surely came with other reasons than to develop their nation. Once in Richard Hakluyt’s book, he said that the real reason for the British came into Australia was because they wanted to please God and to “Empower the force of the Christians.” Colonization is like corrupted government politics where all politicians pretend themselves as one honored countryman but at behind the scene collecting all bribes in. colonization act similar to this as one country came up into other country and saying that “we will be taking this land for religious and to develop their people furthermore.”, but when it really comes to climax, they ‘religiously’ inject people with pains of losing their properties and corrupting their cultural identity.

Exploitation is when I use someone or someone’s properties to treat unfairly for my own advantages. When colonization is on proceed, they come to foreign country carrying many risks with them, as they do not know anything about their land, culture and people, to reduce those risks, they exploit local people as if they are using them as tools to remove obstacles. For example, when the British realized they were much more powerful than the Aboriginals, they took advantage of that to benefit their own needs. They saw how amazed the Aboriginals were by all the technology and weapons the British had, so they decided to use them to know more about the land as they are using innocent to make sin. In late 1800s, leader of Belgium and Congo, Leopold II had put himself as an dictator of colonization when he first took over free land of Congo, he decided to show respect towards them as if he is really protecting them. But as soon as the time past and he realized that his power was divine, he starts to take greedy acts on Congo such as asking for slaveries, money from workers, resources and many others. This exploitation went all the way up to becoming genocide. We can see in the picture that a Congo man is coiled up in between the snake, face of Leopold II. The man is strangled by the Leopold and suffering by his laws to follow. In conclusion, colonization can become exploitation because people get hungry of power as when they discover on opponents weakness and how to break them and use them in their own judge.


  1. Really nice job! There was many good reasons and some background informations to support them. I really could understand clearly. Your word choices were also good. Maybe it might have been better with some pictures since this blog is long. There was a few typing mistakes as well. Other than that, it was good.

  2. Nice job on relating what the author had said with the colonization of Australia Paul. Also, on each paragraphs, you explained the means of colonization and exploitation, then went into detail. That was very helpful as I could understand what you were talking about when elaborating on the Congo Colonization. Good job on annotating the picture of a Congo man strangled by a snake as well. However, you could have added in the picture as well for some readers who have not yet learned about this. There are several errors that I have noticed. Apart from that, it was a post that I enjoyed reading.
